I awaken to the touch of cold metal hands and talking holograms Paralyzed and dependent on the Others They tell me a story at first I refuse to believe A story of no return and extreme loss but one of the voices is different He projects anger and distrust but his hands even though cold and hard are always gentle I have come to crave the sound of his growls because I know within moments he will hold me in his arms When my sight returns I was not prepared to see what he really was but when he collapsed in front of me his body failing Why do I suddenly feel like this is my biggest loss yet
I have done everything in my power to prepare a safe world for her once Im gone I fought my attraction knowing I was unworthy of her trust but I crave her like no other Unfortunately my mind is no longer my own and the only way to destroy the monster who has invaded my head is death All that matters in my end is that she survives because I would rather die than share what I know is MINE
Contains mature themes
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