By 2025 Millennials will form 75 of the global workforce and more than half of them 58 of global Millennials are living in Asia As this huge demographic surges towards becoming a substantial contributor to Asias workforce organisations continue to face engagement and retention challenges while balancing the need to stay relevant in a volatile uncertain complex and ambiguous worldArchaic methods of management do not deliver success with the new breed of employees Instead the outdated model leaves Millennials uninspired and unmotivated to produce results Like any generation of workers performance lies in managementif youre not getting what you need from your Millennials its time to learn how to lead them the way they need to be led To get the best out of Millennials it is imperative for leaders to modify their current management styleWhile the pop culture narrative would have us believe that Millennials are entitled lazy spoiled brats Millennials are the generation of change highly adaptive bright and quick to take on a challenge If the different generations can learn how to collaborate in a way that capitalises on their strengths and compensates for their weaknesses it will inspire a knowledge sharing inevitably encourages the crosspollination of ideas which can spark major innovationBest practices and proven strategies from Google Netflix LinkedIn and other top employers provide realworld models for effective management and new research on firstwave versus secondwave Millennials helps you parse the difference between your new hires and more experienced workers Youll learn why flex time social media dress code and organizational structure are shifting and answer the allimportant question How do we engage MillennialsMillennials are the product of a different time with different values different motivations and different wants This book shows you how to bring out their best and discover just how much theyre really capable of
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