
Trending Audiobook

Original price was: $12.64.Current price is: $10.11.

SKU: PYUJN31421391 Category:


While attending her high school reunion Amelia Howard discovers three things 1She may have taken a decision she made in high school much too far 2She is virtually the only one from her graduating class that is still single 3Her best friend and secret crushwho moved away after graduation and never talked to her againis back in town with a surprising new title Oh and he can still make her tummy flutter with that charming grin of his The stinker Thank goodness she never has to see him again Only hes suddenly everywhereincluding on the trending tabs of all of her social media accounts But to her surprise their renewed friendship promises to heal Amelias long ago broken heartuntil its shattered all over again Creed Williams finally has the opportunity to make things right with Amelia and is determined to show her how much he has changed But when a video of him goes viral internet fame and drama take over his simple life Suddenly hes at risk of losing everything


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