Love Actually meets Elf in this Christmas affirming laughoutloud comedy from the bestselling author of The Wife Who Got a Life and Noone Ever Has Sex on a Tuesday
I love Tracy Bloom Milly Johnson
Pure joy Katie Fforde
A name drawn from a hat
Someone you barely know
A Christmas youll never forget
This December Jolene cant wait for the office Secret Santa moment the festive presentswapping exercise made up of unlikely pairings and inappropriate gifts
But this year her colleagues are in need of more than a novelty wine glass and a box of Celebrations to get their tinsel twinkling
So Jolenes a woman on a mission and shes hatched a secret plan to make this their best Christmas ever
The most perfect Christmas read so easy to cosy up to
I devoured thisa Christmas cracker
This book was SO goodlike a hug in a mug
An extremely funny festive and feelgood story
It made me laugh and cry just perfect
There are no words to describe how much I absolutely loved this book
Full of moments that make you laugh out loud and warm your soul
It will leave you smiling long after the last page
A wonderfully warm novel filled with Tracys trademark warmth and humour
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