
The Ranch Hand Audiobook

Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

SKU: WHNMF78788556 Category:


Samantha Wynn had spent all of her thirtytwo years of life on the Montana ranch she called home The only daughter of a single mom the pair made their living providing for the bachelor owner as if they were his family A natural cowgirl from childhood she had never allowed anyone to distract her from her goal of someday running the place as her own

Sams life is turned upside down with the death of the man she looked to as a mentor and father To make matters even worse she is informed the ranch she loves is intended for another someone who has never even set foot on the place in over thirty years

Major Shane Franklyn had expected his life in the Marine Corps to take him well beyond the twentyyear goal of many of his peers A life of world travel and adventure had provided its fair share of moments some spread between boredom and terror but it was the life he loved An unfortunate turn found him out of the Marines and without a direction in life It was a timely call from an estate lawyer that had him headed west toward an obscure future that would eventually lead him to a new life and possible love


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