Hes the butt of political jokes frequently subjected to ridicule and almost never absent a Worst Presidents list where he most often ends up at the bottom Historians have labeled him the Worst President Ever Dead Last Unfit and Incompetent to name but a few Many contemporaries were equally cruel H L Mencken called him a nitwit To Alice Roosevelt Longworth he was a slob Such is the current reputation of our 29th President Warren Gamaliel Harding In an interesting survey in 1982 which divided the scholarly respondents into conservative and liberal categories both groups picked Harding as the worst President
But historian Ryan Walters shows that Harding a humble man from Marion Ohio has been unfairly rememberedHe quickly fixed an economy in depression and started theboom of the Roaring Twenties healed a nation in the throes of social disruption and reversedAmericas interventionist foreign policy
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