
The Cancer Journals Audiobook

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $12.00.

SKU: MVSRH10423185 Category:


Moving between journal entry memoir and exposition Audre Lorde fuses the personal and political as she reflects on her experience coping with breast cancer and a radical mastectomy

A Penguin Classic

First published over forty years ago The Cancer Journals is a startling powerful account of Audre Lordes experience with breast cancer and mastectomy Long before narratives explored the silences around illness and womens pain Lorde questioned the rules of conformity for womens body images and supported the need to confront physical loss not hidden by prosthesis Living as a black lesbian mother warrior poet Lorde heals and reenvisions herself on her own terms and offers her voice grief resistance and courage to those dealing with their own diagnosis Poetic and profoundly feminist Lordes testament gives visibility and strength to women with cancer to define themselves and to transform their silence into language and action


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