
Sonny Audiobook

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John Sonny Franzese reportedly committed his first murder at the age of fourteen As a made man for the Colombo crime family he operated out of his Long Island home specializing in racketeering fraud loansharking and other illicit deeds he would deny to his dying day His career in organized crime spanned over eight decadesand he was sentenced to fifty years in prison for robbery charges But even behind bars Sonny Franzese never stopped doing business

This is the true story of an oldschool Mafioso as its never been told before Newsday reporter S J Peddie interviewed Franzese in prisonand uncovered a lifetime of shocking secrets from the legend himself why FBI director J Edgar Hoover had a very personal interest in Sonny how Sonny managed to juggle numerous affairs with women including a famous model how Sonny spent a third of his life in prisonand still managed to earn untold millions for the mob how Sonny accidentally revealed some of his worst crimesto a friend wearing a wire and how Sonny hobnobbed with celebrities such as Ava Gardner Jayne Mansfield Bobby Darin Sammy Davis Jr and Dionne Warwick among others

This is a mustlisten for anyone fascinated with Mafia historyand a rare look inside a criminal mind that has become the stuff of legend


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