
Romantic Behavior Audiobook

Original price was: $10.49.Current price is: $8.39.

SKU: UUTVB28708826 Category:


Detective Andreas Ruffner is no foolhes found a man who loves him puts up with him and has stuck with him through hell and back and its time to put a ring on it Darren Corliss is the love of his life and he wants the whole world to know it
Now the fun partthe wedding
Well after the notsofun part of planning the wedding in between dealing with overbearing and impossibletoplease family members With future mothersinlaw driving them both up a wall the guest list growing out of control and the wedding getting ever more complicated Darren and Andreas have to wonder if theyre in over their heads
But theyre going to make it to the altar if it kills them and at this rate it just might


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