In Playing Through the Pain writer Dan Good seeks to make sense of MLB MVP Ken Caminitis fascinating troubled life Good began researching Caminiti in 2012 and conducted his first interviews for his biography in 2013 Since then hes interviewed nearly 400 people providing him with an exclusive and exhaustive view into Caminitis addictions use of steroids baseball successes and inner turmoil
Decades later the full truth about Major League Baseballs steroids era remains elusive and the story of Caminiti the player who opened the lid on performanceenhancing drugs in baseball has never been properly told Caminiti voluntarily admitted in a 2002 Sports Illustrated cover story that he used steroids during his career including his 1996 MVP season and guessed that half of the players were using performanceenhancing drugs
Goods ontherecord sources include Caminitis steroids supplier who has never come forward people who attended rehab with Caminiti and revealed the secret inner trauma that fueled his addictions hundreds of Caminitis baseball teammates and coaches childhood friends who were drawn to his daring personality warmth and athleticism and the teenager at the center of Caminitis October 2004 trip to New York City during which he overdosed and died
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