
Notes from a Professional Player, The Gangster and the Gentleman Audiobook

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Critically acclaimed Relationship Sexpert and licensed therapist Dr TiyE Muhammadis back with his latest installment aptly titled Notes from a Professional PlayerThe Gangster and The Gentlemanwhere he boldly tackles the antiquated meaning of Player and offers a reimagined definition of what a contemporary player aka Ladies Man is or supposed to be Drawing upon his debut novel From Player to Poetand his years in private marriage and family counselingDr TiyE now raises the bar andzeros in on the definition of a PROFESSIONAL PLAYER and his responsibilities And because it takes one to know one Dr TiyE says I take complete ownership on the concept usage definition and knowledge of the word Player in this bookIn Notes the former radio and tv personality explicitly addresses a wide range of topics from male sexual prowess BDE too to the sometimestaboo subject of male hygiene or lackthereof It also includes much deeper introspective chapters on selfimage and fatherhood encouraging readers to take a deeper look at their true self versus their perceived self In NotesDr TiyE lays out a CIA style of question and answer to guide readers to uncover their own truth by way of candid examples and uncensored storytelling Delivering dating tips decadebydecade Dr TiyE holds men accountable for the fundamentals all True Players should adhere to the foundation of whichis Love of self From moments that tug at your heart to his lifetime of lessons in manhoodDr TiyE is unwavering in his truth serum And it Works Perhaps the reasonhis latest installment is as brilliantly authentic as his namesake


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