Ive licked him Hes mine
Running into a strange white wolf isnt an everyday occurrence in Dereks life Neither is finding a nakedand beautifulwoman alone in the park Had the wolf been an omen of what was yet to come Because since meeting Athena Dereks lifes been upended
Chased by thugs and with a ransom on her head Athena isnt divulging why shes a wanted woman Derek helps her anyway since hes a gentleman and she keeps his curiosityand other thingspiqued Besides hell be damned if some greedy doctor is going to kidnap and experiment on innocent people in his own backyard
But he cant help but notice Athenas great sense of smell or her proclivity for chasing rabbits or the way she disappears every full moon
Turns out his Athenas got a hairy secret A howling whopper of one
Guess hed better stock up on flea collars and kibble because My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
Contains mature themes
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