
Masque of Betrayal Audiobook

Original price was: $26.24.Current price is: $20.99.

SKU: EVQOM19598800 Category:


JACQUELINE HOLT WAS THE CHALLENGE OF A LIFETIME With midnightblue eyes that could bring a man to his knees and proud ideals that gave no quarter she openly defied Philadelphias glittering society Determined to fight against Federalist rule the scandalously independent beauty championed her cause in a manner both dangerous and forbidden undaunted even by the magnetic stranger who threatened her secretand her heart

DANE WESTBROOKE NEVER LEFT A CHALLENGE UNANSWERED Born an English nobleman the charming influential earl abandoned the peerage to become a staunch Federalist and member of Alexander Hamiltons inner circle His relentless yearning for Jacqueline Holt threatened all reason but he vowed to have herdespite evidence branding her a traitor to their fledgling country Torn between honor and betrayal loyalty and desire they would dare to forge their own destiny divided by intrigueand consumed by love


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