An expedition to an exotic foreign city An assassin in hiding waiting to strike World changing discoveries
The Springhaven Museums expedition to Bone Port is underway Opportunities await Lenore and her colleagues but discovery and enlightenment are not all they will find in southern Invarnis Back home in Springhaven Rook is searching for answers but seems to find only more questions Who took out a hit on Lenore What is Bloodstone A trail of clues becomes fraught with danger and the quest for truth might demand a price hes not willing to pay
The land of Invarnis is on the precipice of a new age and the lives of its inhabitants will never be the same again The pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor but sometimes one must ask how much is knowledge worth Some things were locked away for a reason
The steampunk fantasy adventure continues in this exciting continuation of the Broken Gears series Fans of the Parasol Protectorate and The Finishing School series by Gail Carriger Sabriel Lirael and Abhorsen by Garth Nix and A Natural History of Dragons and the rest of the Lady Trent Memoirs series by Marie Brennan will delight as this new Victorian era reminiscent world unfolds for them A multilayered steampunk fantasy realm of history subterfuge colorful characters potential and lost magic and technology promises to entrance readers of all ages
Into the Fire is a riveting adventure that will hook you from page one with a strongwilled heroine complex characters romance and complicated relationships Readers Favorite
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