In the memories of history the echo of the Faes departure still lingers and their descendants remain everwatchful for the return of the Seers and Guardians
Victoria unsuspecting and yet undaunted is thrust into her greatest triala prophecy that will challenge her in ways she could never have imagined Her destiny intertwined with a Fae Prince who yearns to explore a world far removed from his own unfurls before her The Princes life takes an unexpected turn as he becomes a captive in a realm he longed to understand
As Victoria and the Prince grapple with their shared fate they must forge a connection that holds the key to the salvation of the Fae people Time is running out and the shadows of darkness loom ominously threatening to engulf both their souls and the entire Fae civilization
Step beyond the veil and into a realm of wondera world that lies hidden until one glimpses the shimmer of magic Return to a land where legends come to life where enchantment and wizardry converge and where the destiny of two souls becomes the beacon of hope for an entire realm
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