A riveting inspiring memoir of one womans escape from an extremist religious sect and an extraordinary rise from housewife to shoe designer to CEO and coowner of the modeling agency Elite World Group
An irresistible read Written with great intensity and rare candor Brazen is a story of longing for more and manifesting that visionTommy Hilfiger
Ever since she was a child every aspect of Julia Haarts lifewhat she wore what she ate what she thoughtwas controlled by the dictates of ultraOrthodox Judaism At nineteen after a lifetime spent caring for her seven younger siblings she was married off to a man she barely knew For the next twentythree years her marriage would rule her lifeEventually when Haarts younger daughter Miriam started to innocently question why she wasnt allowed to sing in public run in shorts or ride a bike without being covered from neck to knee Haart reached a breaking point She knew that if she didnt find a way to leave her daughters would be forced into the same unending servitude that had imprisoned her
So Haart created a double life In the ultraOrthodox world clothing has one purposeto cover the body head to toeand giving any thought to ones appearance beyond that is considered sinful an affront to God But when no one was looking Haart would pore over fashion magazines and sketch designs for the clothes she dreamed about wearing in the world beyond her Orthodox suburbShe started preparing for her escape by educating herself and creating a freedom fund At the age of fortytwo she finally mustered the courage to flee the fundamentalist life that was strangling her soul
Within a week of her escape Haart founded a shoe brand and within nine months she was at Paris Fashion Week Just a few years later she was named creative director of La Perla Soon she would become coowner and CEO of Elite World Group and one of the most powerful people in the fashion industry Along the way her four childrenBatsheva Shlomo Miriam and Aronhave not only accepted but embraced her transformation
Propulsive and unforgettable Haarts story is the journey from a world of no to a world of yes and an inspiration for women everywhere to find their freedom their purpose and their voice
Includes a downloadable PDF containing photos and end notes from the book
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