This unprecedented biography of Hawke includes an exclusive series of interviews with him the last that he gave as well as unfiltered access to his extensive trove of personal papers It features new interviews with more than 100 people who knew and worked with Hawke including his family and friends political and union colleagues and rivals advisers and public servants and journalists along with international contemporaries of Hawke such as George HW Bush John Major Brian Mulroney James Baker and George Shultz
It also brings together an extraordinary array of neverbeforeseen archival documents family diaries notes letters and scrapbooks school and university reports cabinet departmental and viceregal papers party strategy documents polling and caucus minutes and secret correspondence and meeting records between Hawke and other Cold War leaders
Troy Bramston an awardwinning and bestselling author tells the remarkable story of Hawkes upbringing and education the people and events that shaped him his rise through the union movement his complex personality and personal life marked by womanising and the demon drink his nineyear government from 1983 to 1991 plus his postprime ministerial life and legacy
This book is about the real Hawke chronicling the stunning triumphs and shocking failures a life riddled with huge flaws and great virtues marked by redemption and reinvention which changed Australia and shaped the world Revelatory and compelling it will shock and surprise those who think they know the story of the Australias most popular prime minister
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