
The Citadel of Fear Audiobook

Original price was: $13.64.Current price is: $10.91.

SKU: MMGIY57982969 Category:


Gertrude Barrows Bennetts The Citadel of Fear 1918 is one of the greatest dark fantasy classics a gorgeously written and imaginatively conceived masterpiece In a career that spanned a mere three years Bennett published half a dozen books under the pseudonym of Francis Stevens which came to define a number of later genres She is most popularly known as the woman who invented dark fantasy but along the way she also invented a new creepier kind of dystopian scifi
When The Citadel of Fear first appeared in The Argosy HP Lovecraft raved of its wonderful and tragic allegory describing it as a masterful and huge mystery a gigantic tragedy Although set during the first world war the story centres around the forgotten yet active Aztec civilisation of Talapallan tucked away in an eerie underworld of the Mexican wilds Among its many temples stands the black fetid shrine where the dark god NacocYaotl is worshipped When an Irishman and an American from modernday United States stumble into Talapallan one falls in love while the other is possessed by NacocYaotl Their return to the quiet suburbs of the US is anything but bringing in their lucid wake a world of rampaging monsters mutated civilians and battling gods
Romance magic adventure and scrumptious writing are embedded in this lengthly yet unavailable and often overlooked masterwork


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