Shes one indulgence this singledad CEO cant have Or can he
Jack Sullivan is a man of few words His cold emotionless countenance shields any glimpse of the human being within If he didnt hire me to help his daughter Id suspect the man sold his soul for success
Hes classically handsome Confident Scratch that Hes one cocky mofo Admittedly I dont have the best track record at picking decent guys but Im pretty positive this brooding billionaire with a massive ego is one flashing red warning light
I agree with his unorthodox plan to move into his home as a favor to a mutual friend Plus I need the money and his offer is one I cant refuse not when the rehabilitation center I founded is running in the red
The egotistical businessman flatout told me everyone has a price
The longer I spend in his oceanfront mansion surrounded by guntoting security and closeddoor meetings the question I find myself asking is what is mine
Contains mature themes
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