This is the first fulllength biography of this midtwentieth century multifaceted star It is the first book to use biography to chart the broad sweep of changes in womens lives during the twentieth century and to have popular music movies and television shows as its backdrops The glitter of country music the glamour of Hollywood and the grit of the early television industry are all covered It is the first book to draw from neverbeforeseen sources especially business records and fan mail at the newlyopened Roy RogersDale Evans collections at the Autry Museum of the American West One of the central tensions of Dales life revolved around chasing the elusive work/family balance making her story instantly relatable to women today In addition to fame Dale longed for a happy stable family life Her roles and wife and mother became the foundation for her public persona the smart smiling cheerful cowgirl Unusual for its time were Dale Evanss attempts to control the trajectory of her career at a time when men dominated decisionmaking in the entertainment fields
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