Shows how to relate to and receive help from the elements reconnect with nature to access abundance and joy connect with plants animals water air and fire
Explores don Albertos upbringing in a family of yachaks his initiation and his personal work to fulfill the Andean prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor
Includes reflections and essays from several of don Albertos students and others who have worked with him including Itzhak Beery and John Perkins
Recognized as a master yachak don Alberto Taxo was a celebrated spiritual elder shaman and healer of the preInca Atik Kichwa people from the Andes Mountains of Ecuador He shared ancient Andean shamanic wisdom and practices in the United States for more than 20 yearshis personal quest to fulfill the Andean prophecy that the Eagle and the Condor will fly together in the same sky in harmony
Written with don Albertos permission and as further fulfillment of the EagleCondor prophecy this book shares don Albertos teachings and his simple approaches for building a reciprocal relationship with nature centered on Sumak Kausay the way of joy and abundance As a yachak a shaman of the elements don Alberto showed how to relate to and receive help from nature When we are connected with nature on an emotional and spiritual level it creates joy that is deeply healing and can be accessed during lifes difficulties The book discusses traditional Ecuadorian shamanic beliefs and practices including Andean Inca cosmology how to connect with plants animals air fire and water in sacred springs the ocean or your shower and Inca concepts like Pacha the spacetime era in which we live that is now transitioning to a new one of connection and love after 500 years
The book explores don Albertos upbringing in a family of yachaks his initiation and his assumption of the role of shaman for his community It also includes reflections and essays from don Albertos students and others who have worked with him including shamanic teachers Itzhak Beery and John Perkins showing how he influenced their lives and awakened them to the path of Sumak Kausay Abundant Life
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