
Jane Austen’s Emma – Unabridged Audiobook

Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

SKU: TRLGV67515327 Category:


Emma is the fourth book by celebrated British author Jane Austen and the final book to be published during her lifetime
The story concerns Emma Woodhouse a precocious young lady who fancies herself a matchmaker and thus intrudes upon the love lives of her friends and relations to find them suitable mates When she attempts to cement the romance between her cousin Harriet a girl of modest means and a wealthy suitor Emma is admonished by her brotherinlaw Mr Knightley for her meddling and a series of romantic entanglements soon ensues The question soon becomes Can the young matchmaker find a matchfor herself
Jane Austens Emma is a hilarious charming and heartwarming tale of romance intrigue and best intentions gone awry This novel has gone on to become one of the most beloved books in literary history and it is presented here in its original and unabridged format


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