MARSH Tal Bellamy is everything Im not A jetsetting playboy A sexy silver fox A guy who lives his life loudly and unapologetically
Weve been friends for almost twenty years When he comes to town for a visit I make a vow Theres something I need to get off my chest Something Ive been hiding Tals the perfect guy to confide in because I know he wont judge me The last thing I expect is to get plastered and hook up with him
TAL Marsh Duncan is a big burly mountain man A recluse Grouchy at times Or at least thats what he wants people to think
Not me I know the man beneath the gruff exterior When hes around his brothers or hanging out with me his kindness and warmth shine through
The truth is Marsh is actually one giant marshmallow Another truth Im allout head over heels slapmesideways in love with him My plan is to confess my secret when I visit not sleep with him But it seems that Im not the only one with something to reveal
Now that weve both shared our truth the question is have we ruined our friendship or are we on the brink of a forever love
Contains mature themes
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