
Magic on the Cards Audiobook

Original price was: $20.99.Current price is: $16.79.

SKU: KXNMC29927709 Category:


Never trust a werewolf

Im the weakest cartomancer who ever lived but I can use Tarot cards to work magic Most days That makes me the natural prey of the Soldiers of the Light the jumpedup werewolves who police the magic community Theyve hunted cartomancers for centuries because of some stupid ancient feud

Never speak to a werewolf

Im helping the local vampires track a rogue thats menacing our little town when I knock a handsome stranger off his motorbike Hes badly hurt but refuses medical help So I take Mr Tall Dark and Suspicious homeand find out hes a Soldier Because thats just the kind of day Im having

Never under any circumstances fall in love with a werewolf

Hes my sworn enemy but sparks fly between us Now I have a monster to catch and a town to save all while guarding my secretand my heartfrom a man who would kill me without a second thought if he knew the truth


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